Release Notes

v0.3.0 (2022-03-21)

  • Introduced homomorphic encryption schemes (Paillier, ElGamal)

  • Support for operations on foreign values: addition, subtraction, and scalar multiplication by public or self-owned scalars

v0.2.0 (2020-09-01)

  • Support for real encryption (RSA, ECDH+Chaskey, ECDH+AES)

  • Fully automatic transaction transformation (interactive shell for issuing zkay transactions)

  • Many new language features

    • Function calls

    • Private if statements

    • Cryptocurrency features

    • Public loops

    • Multiple return values

    • Extended primitive type support (int/uint + variants, Enums, address/address payable etc.)

    • Correct overflow handling

    • bitwise and shift operators

  • Improved Architecture (higher modularity)

  • Up to 10x better compilation performance

  • Greatly improved user experience (configuration file support, easy contract packaging, nice error messages, …)

v0.1.0 (2019-09-20)

Original proof of concept release for CCS2019. See publication.