
Module Contents

class zkay.utils.multiline_formatter.MultiLineFormatter(indent_str=' ' * 4)

* operator -> add de-dented text (+ \n), if operand is a list -> add \n-joined elements

% operator -> add de-dented text (+ \n), if operand is a list -> add ,-joined elements

/ operator -> increase indentation level and add text (+ \n)

// operator -> decrease indentation level and add text (+ \n)

__mul__(self, other: Union[str, List[str]]) MultiLineFormatter
__mod__(self, other: Union[str, List[str]]) MultiLineFormatter
__truediv__(self, other: str) MultiLineFormatter
__floordiv__(self, other) MultiLineFormatter
__str__(self) str

Return str(self).

append(self, txt: str, sep='\n') MultiLineFormatter
append_lines(self, lines, sep='\n') MultiLineFormatter
indent(self) MultiLineFormatter
dedent(self) MultiLineFormatter