Niels Mündler and Mark Vero, doctoral students at the lab, were interviewed for the latest NZZ article about DeepSeek and the LLM market. See the original article (in German, paywalled).
Our ETH spin-off LogicStar raises USD 3M in pre-seed funding to build tools for autonomous maintenance of software applications. Learn more in the latest TechCrunch article.
Jingxuan He, former doctoral student at SRI Lab, has won the 2024 ETH Medal for his outstanding doctoral thesis “Machine Learning for Code: Security and Reliability”. See the announcement from the D-INFK department.
Together with our spin-off LatticeFlow and INSAIT, we launched COMPL-AI, an open-source compliance-centered evaluation framework for Generative AI models. The release was covered by TechCrunch, Reuters, and EuroNews.
Dr. Benjamin Bichsel, former PhD student and Postdoc at SRI Lab, now CEO and Co-Founder of NetFabric was awarded with the ACM SIGPLAN John J. Reynolds Doctoral Dissertation Award for his doctoral thesis HIGH-LEVEL QUANTUM PROGRAMMING.
Our paper on Self-Contradictory Hallucinations was presented at ICLR 2024. Check out the project website to learn more about detecting and removing hallucinations of Large Language Models.
Our latest paper on LLM watermark stealing has been featured in MIT Technology Review! Check out the article and learn more on our project website.
Timon Gehr, former doctoral student and current postdoctoral researcher at SRI Lab, has won the ETH Medal for his outstanding doctoral thesis. See website of D-INFK.
7-8 October 2022: Workshop on Dependable and Secure Software Systems, hosting leading scientists who will present the latest research and most advanced methods for addressing this fundamental challenge. Website
Our new ETH spin-off LatticeFlow raises USD 2.8M to help companies build and deploy trustworty AI. Read articles on TechCrunch and ETH.
Dimitar K. Dimitrov, former doctoral student at SRI Lab, has won the ETH Medal for his outstanding doctoral thesis. See website of D-INFK for detailed information.
Release of Silq, the first intuitive programming language for quantum computers. Read article the article by TechCrunch.
Please follow the protection instructions of the Federal Office of Public Health (FOPH). Use the central website to keep informed about coronavirus measures taken by ETH Zurich.
Invited Talk at POPL’20 by Prof. Martin Vechev: Can Programming Languages Research impact Deep Learning 2.0?
Prof. Martin Vechev receives the prestigious ACM Young Researcher Award.
Release of VerX, the first functional verifier for Ethereum smart contracts.
A new ICML’19 paper on combining deep learning and logic accepted.
Timon Gehr wins IBM PhD fellowship (1 out of 16 worldwide).
Is AI coming for your coding job? Intervew with Martin Vechev, read it here.
Artificial intelligence put to the test - interview with Martin Vechev for Horizonte, the Swiss research magazine
ChainSecurity prevents a serious security issue in Ethereum’s planned upgrade: CoinDesk Forbes MIT tech review ZDNet
ChainSecurity prevents a serious security issue in Ethereum’s planned upgrade: CoinDesk Forbes MIT tech review ZDNet
Is coding finished?
Web3 Research and the ICE center announce a research collaboration on security and correctness of the finality of consensus algorithms
ETH Robustness Analyzer for Deep Neural Nets (ERAN) released.
What happens when computers program themselves?
2 new NIPS’18 papers accepted.
Petar Tsankov wins the John Atanasoff Prize, awarded by the President of Bulgaria
DEBIN system to predict debug information in stripped binaries
3 new CCS’18 papers accepted
A new USENIX Security’18 paper on network topology obfuscation
An S&P’18 paper accepted on safety and robustness certification of deep learning
2 new ICML’18 papers accepted on Neural Synthesis and Differentiable AI
Martin in the spotlight at the European Parliament at meetings with ERC grantees and policy makers, read article here.
A new CAV’18 paper on reinforcement learning for analysis accepted
A new paper on Network Security accepted to Usenix Security’18
Four new PLDI’18 papers accepted
Two new papers on synthesis and summarization for networks accepted at Usenix NSDI’18
An ESOP’18 paper accepted on probabilistic semantics.
AI programming tool DeepCode is Grammarly for developers
New course on program analysis for system security
Veselin Raychev wins an ETH Medal for an Outstanding Doctoral Dissertation
New course on interpretable artificial intelligence
New paper on synthesis of probabilistic privacy enforcement at CCS’17
Securify.ch system to verify Blockchain smart contracts released!
Our research on machine learning for programming featured by ETH Globe
Swarat Chaudhuri (Rice) joins us for a sabbatical. Welcome!
Congratulations to Veselin Raychev for winning an ACM Doctoral Dissertation, Honorable Mention Award!
3 new papers accepted at CAV’17
New paper on program synthesis for character level language modeling at ICLR’17
Congratulations to Pavol Bielik for winning a Facebook PhD fellowship!
Distinguished Paper Award at ACM OOPSLA’16
POPL’15 paper selected as SIGPLAN Research Highlight
APK Deguard launched
Veselin Raychev wins the John Atanasoff Prize, awarded by the President of Bulgaria
Two papers in security: CCS’16 and ACSAC’16
Two new OOPSLA’16 papers
Invited Talk at SAS’16 (Static Analysis Symposium)
Invited talk at SOAP’16
PSI probabilistic solver released (psisolver.org)
New paper on symbolic probabilistic inference accepted at CAV’16
New paper on probabilistic models of code accepted at ICML’16
New paper on analysis Software Defined Networks accepted at PLDI’16
SRL awarded Facebook Faculty Award
Welcome Prof. Patrick Lam (Waterloo), starting a sabbatical at SRL
Welcome Dr. Sasa Misailovic (MIT), now a post-doc at SRL
New paper at POPL’16 accepted
New paper at SOSP’15 accepted
Two new papers at OOPSLA’15 accepted
SRL awarded a Google Faculty Research Award
Keynote talk at ISSTA, 2016
Congratulations to Timon Gehr for winning an ETH medal for best M.Sc. thesis!
New paper at SOSR’15 accepted
New paper at CAV’15 accepted
Congratulations to Veselin Raychev for winning an IBM PhD Fellowship!
New PLDI’15 Tutorial on: “Machine Learning for Code Analytics”
New paper @PLDI’15 accepted
A new framework for structured prediction: nice2predict.org
We are co-organizing a Dagstuhl Seminar on “Programming with Big Code”, Nov 15-18, 2015
Invited Talk at TCE Conference, 2015
Invited Talk at MIT ExCAPE’15 Summer School
Invited Talk at ML4PL’15
Invited Talk at PLACES’15
New paper accepted at ACM CHI’15
Overview talk on statistical program analysis and synthesis
POPL’15 paper now available (also describes JSNice)
Congratulations to Gagandeep Singh for winning ETH medal for best M.Sc. thesis
Pavol gives a talk @ StrangeLoop
JSNice featured on Slashdot, Hacker News, Reddit
JSNice released ! For more info on JSNice, see its description
Invited Talk @ Haifa Verification Conference 2014
SRL awarded a Google Faculty Research Award
2 new papers to appear @ PLDI’14
New ISSTA’14 paper
New Paper on Practical Concurrent Binary Search Trees, PPoPP’14
Outstanding Artifact Award @ OOPSLA’13 for the paper “Effective Race Detection for Event-Driven Programs”
Event Racer web site launched
Casper Jensen joins SRL for a 6-month visit
New graduate course: “Program Analysis”
New graduate course: “Program Analysis”
2 new papers accepted at OOPSLA’13
New Workshop on Software Correctness and Reliability @ ETH Zurich
2 new papers accepted at SAS’13
ExCAPE Webinar on “Synthesis for Concurrency”
Dimitar Dimitrov joins as a PhD student
Invited Lecturer at the ENS Lyon Winter School, Jan 14-18, 2013
Invited Lecturer @ UPMARC Summer School on Multicore’12
Talk @ Multicore Dagstuhl
Talk @ Software Synthesis Dagstuhl
Veselin Raychev joins as a PhD student
Andrei Dan joins as a PhD student
SRL awarded a 3-year SNF grant on “Practical Synthesis”
3 new papers accepted at PLDI’12