About me

I am a Ph.D. student at the Secure, Reliable, and Intelligent Systems Lab of ETH Zürich and advised by Prof. Martin Vechev as of July 2024. My research focuses on reliability and security of Large Language Models, focusing on faithfulness and correctness of generated text and code. I previously worked on rigorous verification of data structures and algorithms, and co-founded a Start-Up in the field of Smart Contracts.


  • ETH Zurich, October 2021 - December 2023
    M.Sc. Computer Science
  • National University of Singapore, August 2019 - January 2020
    Exchange Student at School of Computing
  • TU Munich, October 2017 - March 2021
    B.Sc. Computer Science



Practical Attacks against Black-box Code Completion Engines
Slobodan Jenko, Jingxuan He, Niels Mündler, Mark Vero, Martin Vechev
arXiv 2024
Code Agents are State of the Art Software Testers
Niels Mündler, Mark Niklas Müller, Jingxuan He, Martin Vechev
ICML Workshop on LLMs and Cognition (also at Workshop on Foundation Models in the Wild) 2024
Self-contradictory Hallucinations of Large Language Models: Evaluation, Detection and Mitigation
Niels Mündler, Jingxuan He, Slobodan Jenko, Martin Vechev
ICLR 2024

Work experience

  • ETH Zurich, January 2024 - June 2024
    Research Associate at SRI Lab
  • OpenSwap Technologies AG, 2021 - 2023
    Co-Founder and CTO


  • ICTAC 2021, Best Paper Award for "A Verified Imperative Implementation of B+-Trees in Isabelle"
  • BWINF 2016, Second place at national informatics contest